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The Next Line

A Year of Writing Dangerously by Barbara Abercrombie was okay as far as these kinds of writerly books go. I bookmarked a bunch of quotes (usually from other writers whom Abercrombie herself quotes), but what I really liked were the writing exercises at the back.

Fifty-two exercises, presumably one for each week of the year. I’m a bit of a sucker for writing prompts since I started giving my students a prompt every day for their notebook time. I couldn’t possibly make up a writing prompt every day for my students, so I started borrowing (stealing?) them from other sources.

I am no longer teaching, but I’ve gotten into the habit of seeking out new prompts to steal. Sometimes I use them myself, other times I don’t. If I don’t like a prompt from a book or article, I just ignore it. But more often than not, even a prompt that doesn’t instantly thrill me can be fruitful. If I force myself to write something for a prompt — even one I don’t find particularly inspiring — I often end up writing something interesting, maybe even good.

This is evidence of the theory that parameters and boundaries lead to creativity. Total freedom doesn’t always lead to the most creative art (though sometimes it can… I’m not a big believer in absolutes when it comes to creativity, writing, making art, etc. Sometimes total freedom can lead to something wildly creative, and other times not. And sometimes parameters and boundaries are stifling and kill creativity. There are no absolutes).

Anyway, these prompts from the Abercrombie book are pretty good. Short, simple in their directions, but pretty wide in their application and execution.

I started with the first one: “What is your own metaphor for fear of writing that first line? Imagine a landscape or animal or weather or music or whatever springs to mind.”

I did modify a bit. Instead of “fear of writing that first line,” I changed it to “fear of writing that next line,” because for me, first lines are easy. Someone in a setting with a problem. Or something provocative. Or a question.

(Not a literal question, like a rhetorical question or something, but a line that raises a question, i.e.: “The dung heaps were always spouting poetry,” and then the reader is like, “Huh?” and they want to find out the answers, like how is it possible that dung heaps can even spout poetry, and then, furthermore, why would they spout poetry of all things? What kind of poetry? Is anyone listening to it? That sort of thing.)

Anyway, first lines are not my problem. It’s next lines. What comes next after that provocative statement or that someone in a setting with a problem. That’s where I struggle.

Because next lines mean you have to deliver. You have to answer the story questions in a satisfying way, in a way that makes readers oooh and aaah. That is ridiculously hard. And terrifying. All the promise of the first line and then you shit the bed. It’s my biggest weakness, this fear.

First lines are the open road, the horizon off in the distance. There’s the promise of adventure, of revelation, of greatness. But the line that comes after — the next line, always the next line — that’s like finding out the horizon you were heading toward is just one of those Looney Toons landscapes painted on the rock wall. It’s like finding out you’re Wile E. Coyote going splat.

All this time I think I know where I’m going, I’m excited for the journey, and then BLAM! I hit a wall. That feeling of promise, that endless horizon was all just a trick. I was really headed for an illusion, a vision of greatness that, in reality, was the side of a mountain. I’m worse than lost: I’m splattered like roadkill on the rock.

See, lost isn’t bad. Lost means you can find your way. The detour or digression could turn into a fun episode.

But the splat? That’s a total dead end. It’s embarrassment. I thought I knew what I was doing, but that next line is just waiting there to prove to myself and my audience that I suck. What happens when I write that next line and go splat? I slide down like a glob of jelly or a flattened pancake: defeated, ridiculous, a fool. We laugh at Wile E. Coyote, and that’s exactly what I fear. The embarrassment of failure.

Interestingly, the Coyote always runs full-throttle at that painted vista. Time after time after time. He never learns. It’s like he’s immune to embarrassment. Or has short-term memory loss. Either way, the splat doesn’t stop him. Every time, he’s right back at it, chasing the Road Runner down that endless road.

I’m not sure if this gives me comfort or not. But it’s a metaphor for something.

Reading Challenge Update:

Day 7, did more morning reading than evening/night reading today. Maybe this is the start of a trend. Reading at breakfast, before I start my journey downstairs to write and edit. In the past I’ve resisted morning reading because I feared that reading someone else’s work would interfere with ideas for my own work. But if I’m honest with myself, my mind is pretty blank in the morning. I’m often an empty vessel. So maybe morning reading is good: It’s a way to fill up the tank.

Reading Challenge (Day 6)

I’m not sure if it’s a good idea to keep blogging about my reading challenge each day. There’s not much to say. I read some books. Two hours (give or take). The end.

Maybe if I was finishing a book every other day or so, but I’m not a fast reader, so I’ll be reading Pachinko and The Door to Saturn for several more weeks at least.

I did start a new book today: 100 Essays I Don’t Have Time to Write by Sarah Ruhl. Good so far, but I only read the first essay. Very relatable. Ruhl is a playwright and mother of three kids. I too am the mother of three kids who writes stuff. So, yeah, it’s in my wheelhouse.

But really, what more is there to say about my reading today? Not much.

The reading challenge posts are good because they make me blog everyday, but I’m not sure the “reading” part should be emphasized as much, unless I read something that I want to review or whatever. The “challenge” part can be emphasized, I guess, if I ever had anything insightful to say about sticking with or completing a challenge, but alas, I can’t even go five days without flaking out.

I do like blogging everyday, so maybe I mention the challenge in my daily blog posts but don’t make a big deal out of it.  The book-reading challenge is still a thing, just chillin’ in the background.

I will say, James Clear’s book for developing daily habits is still the best thing I’ve read on forming habits, and even though I failed to meet my challenge yesterday, knowing that all I needed to do was accept it and make sure not to miss two days in a row was enough to get me motivated again. In the past, when I would miss doing something I promised to do daily (i.e.: not say my Lenten rosary), I would beat myself up about it. I would get ridiculously discouraged, and basically, give up on the whole thing.

Clear’s advice — to just let yourself miss that day and make sure not to miss more than two in a row — was mind-altering. Here was a productivity guru guy telling me it was okay to miss a day, that it didn’t mean I was a failure, and all I needed to do was just make sure to get back to my habit the next day. It sounds so obvious, but Clear gave me permission to accept that sometimes I would mess up, and messing up doesn’t mean the habit is destroyed. Also, better to read for five minutes if that’s all you can do than to not read anything because you didn’t have the perfect two hours of reading time all laid out.

I’ve learned this lesson with my writing too. I wish I could write for four hours a day, but realistically, that doesn’t ever happen. Instead, I write when I can with the time that is given to me. I try to keep my regular morning writing time, but even if I don’t, one sentence in my manuscript is better than none. Amazingly, one sentence every day can add up to a novel.

(Luckily, I’m able to write more than one sentence a day… most days!)

Reading Challenge (HeroQuest Edition)

I’m not the greatest at sticking with a challenge.

I usually have a day where I fail (often several days). Lent is a classic example. In years past, I’ve resolved to say a rosary everyday or read some of my bible everyday, and without fail, at some point during Lent, I screw up and don’t do what I resolved to do. I miss a day. Sometimes two. I don’t flake out on big things or one-at-a-time things, but daily things? I always mess up at least once. A flaw in my character.

Today was no different. I barely read a book all day. I worked a lot, did some writing, took care of the kids, but reading a book fell lower and lower on the priority list. For the past several days, my nights have been spent watching Stranger Things S4 with my husband, but I still managed to get my book reading in. Tonight, however, was different. Tonight, I played my new birthday present, the 2021 update of the classic board game HeroQuest.

It was a present from my husband, and because I hadn’t played HeroQuest since I was a wee lass of eight or nine, when it came in the mail the other day, I’d been itching to open it up and start playing. The responsible thing to do would’ve been to do my reading challenge, but my brother was available (as was my husband), the kids were sleeping over at Gogo and Papa’s house, and I wasn’t going to let this opportunity pass me by.

Instead of reading tonight, I played HeroQuest.

I don’t feel bad about it. The whole point of trying to read more books was to help keep my imagination stimulated, my creative muse fed. Reading books — fiction and non-fiction — is probably the best activity I can do for my writing besides writing itself. So yes, I need to read as much as I can. Hence this challenge.

But playing HeroQuest tonight was also a way to feed my muse. It took me back to my childhood — which is a good thing, considering I’m in the midst of drafting a novella about a fictionalized version of my childhood. And all the classic sword and sorcery fantasy stuff — the barbarian with his huge long sword, the goblins and orcs and gargoyles, the treasures and traps — all of it was a welcome return to the well-worn but beloved tropes of my youth.

Basically, I had a huge smile on my face the whole time we were playing and I couldn’t stop smiling even after we wrapped up. I’m still smiling now.

So yeah, I flaked out on my reading challenge, but sometimes that kinda spontaneous skiving is needed. Sometimes it’s fun to be doing the thing you shouldn’t. Tonight, it was well worth it. Tomorrow, it’s back to reading.

Reading Challenge (Day 4)

Thank goodness for my book club and our Tuesday meetings! I wasn’t quite finished with the reading section for this week, so today was pretty easy to get my two hours in. Having the deadline put the pressure on (and having to be accountable to the book club gang helped too).

It also helped that I picked up the book first thing in the morning and read for about thirty minutes before I did anything else. I know it has become a cliche to talk about the “miracle morning” or whatever the productivity gurus call it, but there’s a lot of truth to getting things done first thing in the morning. Even if I only read for ten minutes, or work on my fiction for a minute or two, or edit a page for a client, if I do it first thing in the morning, the rest of the day goes so much better. No matter what happens in the afternoon or evening, if I work a little bit on all my projects and challenges in the morning, the day feels successful. I also end up working more throughout the day because I’ve already jumped started everything in the morning.

The book club book this time around is Pachinko by Min Jin Lee. Highly recommended. It’s historical literary fiction, which is a genre I don’t read often, but whenever I do, I end up enjoying it. Historical fiction is great for fantasy and science fiction writers to read and study because the attention to detail and world-building often demonstrate the same skills a speculative fiction author needs to have. 1930s Korea and Japan are as unfamiliar to me as a secondary world in a fantasy novel might be. I love how Min Jin Lee is able to make the world come alive in my imagination. Very vivid writing, and the plot and characters are highly engaging. I’m about 200 pages into it so far, and frankly, I didn’t want to stop reading earlier this evening when I finished the section we were assigned for book club.

Basically, I know what I’ll be doing first thing tomorrow morning. Gotta find out what happens to Sunja, Yoseb, and Kyunghee!

Reading Challenge (Day 3)

Challenges like this are good because they help me plow through some books that I otherwise would get bogged down in. Case in point: the Clark Ashton Smith collection I started reading a few months ago. The second story (“The Red World of Polaris”) has been a slog, and I’d been stuck on it forever, but today I finished it. The two-hour-a-day reading challenge has pushed me to read as much as I can in whatever spare moments I have, so I simply pushed myself to finish the “Polaris” story and rack up my minutes for the day.

Same goes with the Jonathan Hickman Avengers run. I’d been enjoying it, but kept getting stuck.  I couldn’t get into a rhythm with it. But this challenge has helped me stay focused and keep reading.

I think that’s been my problem with book reading lately.


Internet reading has disrupted my ability to focus. I know everyone has experienced this — we all know that our attentions have been arrested by the web — but I can really feel it as I try to read for two hours each day. I can feel my attention flagging at times, and then I get the desire to put aside the book and pick up my phone. But having the challenge gives me motivation to resist the distractions and keep reading. It’s the same when Lent rolls around and I give up the internet totally (except for work stuff); the challenge of giving something up for Lent motivates me to keep going.

These kinds of challenges seem to work (so far) when it comes to giving something up or reading or studying or practicing or whatever, but the weird thing is they don’t seem to motivate me for writing. Challenges like NaNoWriMo were often a bummer because I just couldn’t get myself to stick to them. Maybe the task was too big. But reading books for two hours each day has been pretty big, even in just these first few days, and yet I have found a way to make it work.

I guess reading is simply an easier task for me than writing. I guess with reading there is no perfectionism to deal with. I can’t really “fail” at reading unless I don’t read for my two hours each day. But with writing, even if I write for two hours, there’s the chance of failure. There’s the chance that what I write will be shitty. I think this is what makes writing challenges too hard for me. Fear of doing it badly. I can definitely write for many hours in a day; my writer’s notebook is proof of that. But the writer’s notebook is private, it’s just me mucking around. It’s not meant to “be” anything other than a place to experiment. I can write pages upon pages in my notebook each day without a second thought. There’s no real “failure” with the notebook because there are no expectations.

But writing a story, or an essay, or even a blog post like this means there are expectations. There is good and there is bad. And when I start to think of my expectations for a story or essay or blog post, then I start to freeze up. Then there’s a chance for failure. Fear rears its ugly head.

Giving up the internet for Lent isn’t really something I can do “badly.” I either stay off the internet or I don’t, so as long as I stay off, I win. Same for my two-hour reading challenge. As long as I read for the requisite amount of time, I can’t do it badly.

But writing for an audience can turn out badly. It can suck. Somehow I need to get over these fears and do a writing challenge.

I suppose I could do a time-related challenge, i.e.: sit at my computer for two hours with my manuscript in front of me. Or I could do a word count challenge that’s manageable (like 500 words per day). Or a story-per-day challenge. I was doing a word count challenge earlier in the year, but as life stuff happened, I fell off the wagon and gave up. And by “life stuff” I don’t mean anything major; just the normal ups and downs of life with kids and work and responsibilities.

I think the best kind of writing challenge for me is to have a “writing time” and sit down at that time every day. Even if I don’t get very many words written, there’s something about the regularity of the appointment that works. All I have to do to win the challenge is sit down at my desk at the appointed time.

Maybe I can modify/combine the writing time challenge with the time-amount challenge. Once per day — any time that presents itself during my hectic day — I sit down at my desk with my WIP open and try to write for fifteen minutes. Set the timer, sit for fifteen. If writing happens, great. If no writing happens, I still meet the challenge for that day.

It’s worth a shot.

Reading Challenge (Day 2)

This one was rockier than I expected. Two hours is a long time, yo! I made it — eventually — by reading while the kids and husband watched our Family Movie Night movie (The Aristocats, in case any are wondering).

Finished Labyrinth, and while the last chapter made me a little wistful, as Sarah returns home, puts away some of the childish things she was clinging to, and sees Ludo, Sir Didymus, and Hoggle in the mirror, I still stand by what I said earlier: The book needed to be less faithful to the movie. Yes, I know this is not the point at all of doing a movie tie-in novelization, but still. The movie’s magic is the movie’s magic; the book didn’t quite get there for me. I’m glad I read it, though, if for no other reason than it makes me want to re-watch the film and go play the role-playing game.

Now I need to finish the reading assignment for my book club before Tuesday night. That should give me good motivation to read as much as I can during work breaks.

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