Just gonna leave this here for anyone who wants to roll some dice and fight some lizard men. . .
Honestly, this music is so evocative of a certain era of gaming, of fantasy, of childhood, it’s hard to believe how perfect these dungeon synth albums are. Bands like Kobold, Basic Dungeon, and Gnoll: they all make time machine music. I am instantly transported to being a kid again, even though there was hardly any music like this when I was young — outside of a few computer and video games. But the dungeon synth stuff is *just* close enough to old video game music — and just close enough to the musical scores of old 70s and 80s fantasy films — that it feels like it’s from that earlier time.
I love the track names too. The last track on this album is “Three dangerous artifacts.”
I wonder what those artifacts could be. . .
Perhaps a bowl crafted from star iron, a book of royal genealogy, and an amber scimitar that will banish all wights and ghouls (but only if the blade has tasted the blood of a sand dragon).
Once again, YouTube has led me down another musical rabbit hole that must be explored. . .
Next up: Fief – IV